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- L O A D S T A R 1 2 8 Q U A R T E R L Y
- Issue #15
- Table of Contents
- L O A D S T A R F I L E S
- DISKOVERY...........................................................Side 1
- Your editor, Fender Tucker, gives his definition of REAL POWER.
- LOADSTAR FORUM..................................................... Side 1
- A place where your letters are published -- and sometimes answered.
- LOADSTAR 128 BRIEFS.................................................Side 1
- by Barbara Schulak, Paul McAleer and Fender Tucker
- This utility program allows you to print out subscription, back issue,
- and submission forms.
- ZERO PAGE: TWO CATSTRINGERS.........................................Side 1
- For programmers, here are two different ways of reading a disk directory
- and putting the filenames into strings.
- MARKETPLACE.........................................................Side 1
- Our marketing department always has a special offer for our readers.
- This time it's blank disks.
- CREDITS.............................................................Side 1
- A list of the administrators, editors, programmers and authors who
- brought you this disk.
- W E A T H E R W A R E
- HURRICANE TRACKER....................................................Side 1
- by Dick Heckert
- Follow the path of hurricanes as they happen with this BASIC 8
- graphic program. If you live on the Eastern seaboard or Gulf Coast,
- you need this program.
- F U N W A R E
- ISOLATION............................................................Side 1
- by Fender Tucker
- You have colored pieces and an equally colorful board. Can you beat the
- computer or a friend at placing these pieces so that no piece touches
- a square of the same color? It's like three games in one.
- H E L P W A R E
- PORTFOLIO...........................................................Side 2
- by Robert B. Cook
- Keep tabs on your investments with the latest in Bob Cook's database
- programs. If you've got money to invest, you owe it to yourself to
- use this program.
- EASY JACKET..........................................................Side 2
- by Marshall Cook
- Your audio cassette collection deserves professional-looking jackets
- that tell you who's singing what on which side. This stylish program
- makes entering and printing the jackets a breeze. The text includes
- a short tutorial on printer drivers.
- BUDGETMEISTER.......................................................Side 2
- by Paul McAleer
- LOADSTAR's wunderkind has crafted a superb rendition of Jeff Jones'
- BUDGET BUDDY for the 80-column screen. It has pull-down windows,
- spreadsheet-like editing, and will help you keep tabs on your budget
- no matter how big or small it is.
- U T I L I T Y W A R E
- MOUSE 80.............................................................Side 2
- by Maurice Randall
- Programmers, here is the utility you've been waiting for. It simulates
- a pointer sprite on the 80-column screen that moves as fast as you could
- want one to. It's filled with helpful routines for making your programs
- as professional as any C-128 programs to date.
- **** End of Text ****